Calob & Callie received the game "Apples to Apples" from Santa for Christmas this year. I had heard about it from time to time but heard LOTS about it in the week leading up to Christmas. Weird. Anyway, we played for the first time the other night & had a really fun time. If you don't know how to play (Terence, Callie & I played for the first time that night) here you go - General game play is as follows: players are dealt red cards which have a noun printed on them, and the judge (a different player in each turn) draws a green card on which an adjective is printed and places it for all players to see. Each player then chooses a red card they are holding that they think best describes the green card. The judge then decides which adjective he/she likes best. Sounds simple, right? Well, yeah ... sort of. The hard part is trying to figure out which card the judge is going to pick. I was the first judge & I took a picture of the cards. I had to pick the red apple card that I thought matched "legendary" the best. What do you think I chose? (hush Jerrie, you already know)
I chose Tom Cruise. Yes, he's crazy ... but it's all good. He's a great actor. I did have to think about it though. I thought all 3 cards fit the green apple card but chose Tom in the end. I think it would be really fun to play with another family (in addition to ours, of course) and really see how crazy it could get. We had a few minor/major "discussions" about a few of the rounds, but it was all in good fun. I can't wait to play again.
I would have said Romeo and Juliet. :)
I love Apples to Apples. It's become THE game to play at family gatherings. I think my family cheats though as I never win! :)
I played for the first time at a Girl Scout Meeting last week and really enjoyed the game. It was lots of fun!
For the record, I probably would have picked Romeo and Juliet too!
Yeah, I totally saw the Tom Cruise selection coming. Since I hate Nicolas Cage, it would have been a toss-up between him and R & J for me. hehe
So funny, because I've been hearing about this game just this week and wondered about it. Thanks for enlightening me! Looks like fun!
The game looks like a lot of fun, and I would have chosen Tom Cruise too.
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