Tuesday, December 08, 2009

A Visit With Miss Hope

Callie & I were thrilled to learn that Miss Hope (Callie's ballet teacher that moved to Georgia) was heading "home" for a Thanksgiving visit. We were able to spend a few hours with her and while those few hours were great, they definitely weren't enough. We're trying to find a way to keep Hope here but she's resisting ... I'm thinking of some sort of underground room for her ... what do you think? ☺
Callie & Hope ... lunch at Bob's
Callie with her ballet stickers from Miss Hope
Callie & Miss Hope ... power-shopping ... lol
Never enough hugs
Callie LOVING the sun!
Callie, Hope & Me ... a final good-bye :(


Judy said...

Those are fun pictures with Miss Hope, and it looks you had a nice visit!

angie said...

I'm sorry she resisted the idea of "living" in an underground room. Thank goodness for being able to keep in touch via the internet, though!