Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Callie and a Hairbrush

Callie is such a girly girl ... and she fully embraces that side of herself. I, on the other hand, struggle with it. I'm NOT a girly girl & can't wrap my head around the way she thinks or the things she does. Regardless, she's my daughter and I love her. As a girly girl, she likes to primp. Brush her hair, stare at herself in the mirror, brush her hair ... you get the idea. The other night she was brushing her hair ... a lot ... and I took some pictures of her in all her hair brushing glory. lol The first set is a little funky (kind of like the jumping ones of Calob) but the second set is much better. Enjoy!


angie said...

You're showing up now! Yeah, I don't get the girlie-girl thing either. Probably a good thing I had boys. Of course, they baffle me, too. Probably I should have stuck with a pet rock.

Sharon said...

Callie's hair is getting very long!!