Monday, January 04, 2010

Let There Be Light!

Callie has been asking us to put Christmas lights in her room for quite a while. I've always said no. Then we bought new lights this year & once we realized they wouldn't work on our tree (white cord on a green tree, uh NO) we didn't know what to do with them. And to top it off, Terence never returned them, so we've had these lights just sitting around the house. I figured that was as good a reason as any to put them in her room. We didn't tell her though. She knew we were doing something in her room but she didn't know what.
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jkluginbill said...

Callie and Archer have so much in common! :)

Sharon said...


angie said...

Sweet! That will totally set the mood for when Oskar (sp? can't seem to recall if that's right or not) comes over. I can joke about that because I do not have the girl childs to worry about.

Judy said...

I like the pretty!!!