Today is Calob's 13th birthday! My darling son ... he's growing up. I (seriously) can NOT believe I am the mother of a teenager now. It's just beyond what my brain can comprehend. Regardless of how I feel, it has happened ... he IS officially a teenager. He said he doesn't feel any older & in fact, feels a little younger (kids ... ha!). He had Henry & Archer over last night for some fun, pizza & video games. Today we went to lunch at Pad Thai (Calob's favorite) with Jerrie/Archer & Gordon/Sharon/Katie/Emily ... it was lots of fun & I know Calob enjoyed it. Now, for the pictures ... brace yourself ... there are a few. ☺
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Calob, Archer & Henry goofing around
→The whole kit & kaboodle ←
Glad we could enjoy Calob's birthday with him.
I really like the picture of him holding his first picture ~ that's cool!
It looks like Calob had a very happy birthday....and it's the big 1-3 !!!! Rock on, Calob! :)
Happy Birthday Calob. Love the picture of Calob w/ Calob! Time sure flies huh?
Looks like the boys had fun. What happens when my child comes to your house? I am astonished! :) What happens at your house stays at your house!
I think next month you should take another pic like that on the porch and we will see Calob has passed you by! But don't worry you're still the bad-ass mom! haha!
Happy Birthday Calob! Looks like it was a fun one!
Looks like I'm late to the party, but better late than never! Happy birthday, Calob! Looks like a great time was had by all at your party!!!
My darling Cheryl, I do think the boy is just a tad taller than you. Perhaps it's just his hair being taller.
Also - wait 'til he's in high school and you realize he will soon be behind the wheel of an automobile! YIKES!!! THAT'S scary right there (me thinking of it in my situation, not yours)! I've seen my son play video games where driving is involved and I will just say that unless I develop a feverish death wish, I will not be getting in a car with him behind the wheel.
wow congrats Calob.. yes welcome to teenagerdome priss... its a mariah will be 14 on the 14 of the next yes i agree calob is taller then you and if not he will be soon...tee hee..
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