Calob competed in a local chess tournament on Saturday & while he didn't win it all we're still proud of him. He finished with 3.5 points. He won the first 3 games, had a draw (tie) on the 4th & lost the final game. We aren't exactly sure where he finished overall (they haven't posted the final results) but he did get a medal. Congrats Calob on another great chess tournament!
< . . . . . . . . . . >
Before game 4
Playing game 5
Thumbs-up for the medal
Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that the team from his school finished 2nd place overall & got another team trophy (they finished 2nd at the last tournament as well)?!? Way to go team!!!
When we came home from the tournament there was a package waiting on our porch ... Callie's long-awaited Nintendo DS. She's been saving for it for quite some time & just this past week we ordered it online. It's pink ... eek! She's loving it though!!!
A pink DS. Fantastic! Love it.
Congrats to the MS Lions team! They rock (2nd place 2 for 2!).
Yay Calob and LMS!!
Nice DS ~ she picked pink? I'm so surprised!!!
Good job, Calob! You were outstanding, and congrats to the school team!!
A pink DS for fantastic! :)
Way to go Calob for bringing home the blingity bling bling. And props to Callie on saving her money to buy herself something REALLY special! That takes a lot of self-discipline and restraint and I'm really proud of her for doing it. I know I can't! LOL
Way to go Calob! You rock!
And how in the world did Callie have the discipline to save up that much money? Way to go Callie for doing that!
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