Sunday, February 24, 2008

It's Cookie Time!

It's cookie time ... it's cookie time! Yay! Sharon & Katie brought my (our, whatever) Girl Scout cookies tonight & I'm SUPER excited. Of course I got Samoas (my fave), Thin Mints (family fave) and we also got 1 box of the new cookie, Lemon Chalet Cremes. I can't wait to try them all!!!


jkluginbill said...

I, too, am very happy about my cookies. We bought 10 boxes! Yikes!

Emily brought mine! Such great service! Yay! :)

Angie said...

We got our cookies a couple weeks ago....we get Carmel Delights (otherwise known as Samoas in other parts of the country), Peanut Butter Patties (which also have a different name in other parts) and the Peppermint Patties. And all but the Peppermint cookies are gone already!

Happy coookie eating!

Sharon said...

A pleasure to be of service!!

We agree!! Samoas are the best!!!

Now we just need to deliver all the rest of the cookies in our garage!!

Judy said...

Luckily, no Girls Scouts came by here. I can eat a whole box in one sitting, so it's best if I just don't buy any! ;)