Just a little about our life ... surrounded by cats!
Monday, December 25, 2006
'Twas the morning of Christmas
Before the kids came downstairs.
Seeing all the presents, including Santa's, for the first time. Present from Calob. Present from Callie. A good book. A Hello Kitty mug. A personalized blanket. "Guardians of Ga 'Hoole" book set. A sparkly rock. A chess set for tournaments.
"The Chronicles of Narnia" game. Art Easel. Doll play set. The strange thing that came inside of this purse ...
the strap! LOL
Hopefully your Christmas was full of love, laughter & all things special.
It looks like you all had a great Christmas! The kids look happy and ready for their new "stuff." Did Callie absolutely "die" over her new easel...THE present that wouldn't be found and once it was found there were a hundred? I hope she loves it!
It looks like they did quite well! I can't believe that purse came with a strap inside. LOL Looks like Calob got some good books! I may have to come borrow them sometime.
My kids did quite well and we now have a new accumulation of "stuff" in the house. Now I need to get rid of some of the old "stuff" to make room!
Merry Christmas to you and your family! (even if I am a day late...better late than never!)
-------------------------------------------------------------- "No matter how much cats fight, there always seems to be plenty of kittens." - Abraham Lincoln --------------------------------------------------------------- "For those who know me, no explanation is necessary. For those who don't, no explanation is possible." Yogi Berra ---------------------------------------------------------------
It looks like you all had a great Christmas! The kids look happy and ready for their new "stuff." Did Callie absolutely "die" over her new easel...THE present that wouldn't be found and once it was found there were a hundred? I hope she loves it!
Fun times. Until we meet again! :}
It looks like they did quite well! I can't believe that purse came with a strap inside. LOL Looks like Calob got some good books! I may have to come borrow them sometime.
My kids did quite well and we now have a new accumulation of "stuff" in the house. Now I need to get rid of some of the old "stuff" to make room!
Merry Christmas to you and your family! (even if I am a day late...better late than never!)
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