Wednesday, August 27, 2008

8 + 4 = MOM DAY!!!

Yep, that's the kind of math I do. I now have an 8th grader and a 4th grader & the first day of school means I can do what I want ... YAY FOR ME!!! Jerrie & I decided to go have Thai food & hit a few stores & it was lovely. Yes, I said lovely, deal with it! ☺ Here are the obligatory "1st day of school" pictures.
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╪ Calob, the 8th grader ╪
This picture was taken about 6:30 a.m. as he is in the advanced high school choir that meets EVERY day before school @ 6:40 ... eek!
╪ Callie the 4th grader ╪
╪ Callie sitting at her desk ╪
╪ Mrs. M. & Callie ╪
Calob had Mrs. M. in 3rd grade & we LOVED her! This is Nalu when I went to update my blog. He always feels he should be the center of attention. I can't imagine where he learned that from! ☺
So, no pictures of Calob at school. He's an 8th grader now ... I'm pretty sure that's not encouraged, allowed, tolerated, whatever. I'm ok with that! lol


Judy said...

Wow...what beautiful kids you have! And they're in the big time being 8th & 4th graders! Nalu looks a little perturbed that he was not the center of attention for those few moments.

Sharon said...

Nice first day of school pics! So sad that I couldn't join you in some Pad Thai. I hope that you enjoyed enough for me!

jkluginbill said...

I think the word lovely is...well...lovely. I use it frequently.

I seriously can't believe Calob has to, chooses to be, at school that early. Um. Good for him!

Callie looks lovely! I hope she has a wonderful year w/ Mrs. Miller - she is awesome!

And mom-day ROCKS!

angie said...

Who wants to sing at hateful-thirty o'clock in the morning? be young again!

Miss Callie looks like quite the fashion plate and could possibly be headed off to her first day on the job, rather than 4th grade!

Poor Nalu.

Why is Jerrie out eating Thai and not going to work? Doesn't she have a job? Does she just let her kids run around the classroom all willy nilly?? What's going on there?

jkluginbill said...

After a year of working consistently I've decided that work is HIGHLY overrated. But free reign of a classroom is completely okay by me!

Really...I had a one year contract. Back to subbing for me. And teachers should wait at least two weeks until they are sick! :)