Tuesday, September 09, 2008

*Broken In Two*

Well, Calob's arm wasn't getting any better so I took him to the doctor today. Guess what?!? HE BROKE HIS WRIST! Fun times for sure! HA He actually fractured 1 bone & broke the other one. Pretty awesome, huh? So, when I scanned his x-ray it didn't turn out great but it's the best I could do. If you look at the blue arrow, that's the bone on the outside of his wrist (meaning the pinky side). You really can't see it in this x-ray (there was a different x-ray taken from the top that showed everything better) but there's a fracture of that bone. If you look at the green arrow you can see how the bone is all wonky. Apparently when Calob fell on his wrist the bone actually broke & then crushed into itself. You can see how the sides aren't even and that's because of the bone crushing into the other part of the bone. Lovely huh?

So, Calob can't play soccer for 4 weeks (meaning he'll miss 1/2 his soccer season) and will miss any kind of contact sports in P.E. He's bummed but at this point there's not a whole lot to be done about it.
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His wrist is still too swollen for an actual cast so the doctor did what they call a "half-cast." It keeps the injured area pretty much still but can be removed for showers, etc. He will get a "real" cast on Thursday after school, so hopefully the swelling will have gone down by then. Thanks to everyone who has been thinking of & praying for Calob. We very much appreciate it!!!

All half-casted up & ready to go!


Sharon said...

Poor Calob! Well, now that you know what's up he can get a cast on it and it can start to heal.

He'll be back on the soccer field in no time. Kids bounce back so quickly.

Judy said...

Well, I'm sorry to see Calob's broken wrist. He is very brave to have gone through that, and I hope it heals up as soon as possible. Go Calob!!!

Tessie said...


jkluginbill said...

He looks way to happy...like "woohee I broke my wrist!!!"

I hope his bones aren't wonky real soon! :)

angie said...

Man, I can't believe you made him play that second game with a broken wrist. You are really dedicated to that soccer stuff, aren't you?

Angie said...

That's an awful big smile for a kid that broke his wrist and is about to spend 4 weeks in a cast!