Thursday, September 11, 2008

Calob and his Supporting Cast

Thanks for the title Sharon! Calob went to the orthopedist (is that the right word) today to get his arm casted. He took more x-rays because he needed a more centered view of the actual break. Calob had a choice in colors for his cast & he chose blue. Shocking. I was hoping for green but whatever. ☺
Here's Calob getting the cool blue cast.
At this point his doctor was telling him that there was still 1 part left. He said he had to squeeze the cast near the break. This is Calob trying to figure out what he's talking about.
This is Calob realizing EXACTLY what he's talking about. I swear, his doctor is NOT evil (regardless of the look on his face). You really have to know Calob to understand. I had just told Jerrie today how Calob deals with pain. He laughs ... a lot ... and REALLY loud! So here's the doctor squeezing VERY hard around the broken wrist & Calob laughing like you wouldn't believe!!! OMG, you just don't know whether to laugh or cry at that point. You know he's in LOTS of pain BUT he's laughing and you can't decide if you should laugh or not. I think I giggled & took pictures ... yeah, I know, you're happy I had the camera ready! Both the doctor & nurse laughed & commented that they usually didn't get that response at that time in the appointment (squeezing the painful areas).
Here's my big, strong boy with his cool blue cast.
Here are the x-rays from today. The colored arrows are the same colors as the previous post in case you want to compare (you never know). The green arrows are the break and the blue arrow is the fracture.
This x-ray concerned the doctor. Because of this x-ray Calob has to go in again next week for another x-ray to see if the bone still looks like this. If it does (no, please no) he will have to REbreak the bone & set it because it's not healing correctly. Uh huh, you read that right. My baby boy might have to have it broken for the SECOND time ... ugh!
Seriously, I am NOT cut out for this stuff.
As it is, Calob is officially done with soccer for the season. He will be in a cast for AT LEAST 6 weeks (could be more if the above scenario happens). I feel bad for him. He really wanted to play and now he can't do much of anything. Let's just pray (you too Sharon) that the bone is healing correctly next week!!!


angie said...

Oh honey, I will be praying as hard as I can that that bone behaves itself and heals correctly. Lord knows the child doesn't need to be sitting around the doctor's office giggling his head off any more.

I LOVE those pics! I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry though...

jkluginbill said...

Dang bone! Behave!

Yikes. Weren't we talking about rebrakes yesterday? or maybe it was with Troy...I think that is what Caleb (G.) had to have done...maybe...

We'll just hope and pray it doesn't get that far!

And the pics are great. Laugh or cry? is always a difficult decision - Why not do both?

Good luck Calob!

Sharon said...

I'm glad that I can be of assistance (on the title!)

Katie will be thrilled that he has chosen blue for his cast.

They really are great pictures and I hope and pray for Rainbows that he gets his cast off soon!

Judy said...

Good grief, poor Calob. I'll be praying and hoping that the bone heals the way it should, and that he won't have to endure having it re-broken. He may have been laughing on the outside, but was probably crying on the inside. I'd have just been crying...period!

Angie said...

There's that smile again! I want to know how you train your child to smile and laugh when they are hurt?!

I will be praying that bone heals the way it is supposed to so he doesn't have to go through having it broken for a 2nd time!

Tessie said...

thats too funny Calob. cool cast. i laugh when im nervous so you keep on laughing!!