Thursday, October 23, 2008

14 Questions for Cheryl ... That's ME!

So, here are the lovely questions Callie came up with for yours truly. Be afraid, be very afraid. No really, these questions aren't nearly as bizarre as the ones she asked Terence, which I'm thinking is a good thing ... right?
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1. Which one would you choose, slut or eyebrow?
2. Which one would you choose, lip or nose?
3. Which one would you choose, candle or light bulb?
4. Which one would you choose, candy or leg hair?
5. Which one would you choose, gum or toothbrush?
6. Which one would you choose, Spongebob or belly button?
7. Which one would you choose, fan or toilet?
8. Which one would you choose, cat or dog?
9. Which one would you choose, t.v. or dirt?
10. Which one would you choose, 95 or 96?
11. Which one would you choose, fat or skeleton?
12. Which one would you choose, Calob or Callie?
13. Which one would you choose, Elisa or a door knob?
14. Which one would you choose, have everything pink or have cake?
- - - - - - - - - -
Here are my answers:
1. eyebrow
2. lip
3. candle
4. candy
5. gum
6. belly button
7. fan
8. cat
9. t.v.
10. 95
11. fat
12. Callie
13. door knob
14. cake


jkluginbill said...

I just have to say, "Ummmm....ok." and leave it at that. :)

95 or 96? huh...

You are right these ARE much more normal than the bloody worm questions T got!

huh. (again)

Judy said...

Interesting...but you got off easy compared to Terence.