Calob sold See's Candies for choir again this year. Just like last year, he did a great job & earned the most of any other choir student (including the high school kids too). He sold over $700 worth ... wow. The picture below is all the candy he sold. It might not look like much but the candies are stacked up behind the boxes. Needless to say, he worked hard
& did a great job fundraising.
Unlike last year, they had a plan to recognize the student who sold the most candy. Through emails with Calob's choir teacher I knew he'd be getting a $50 Best Buy gift card. What I didn't know was that he'd be getting the gift card in front of everybody at the Christmas concert. Calob didn't know either & was very surprised.
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Here's the music booster president
"singing" Calob's praises
Calob getting his gift card
Fantastic! Nice work Calob! I really enjoy my lollipops.
Very Cool! It's nice to be acknowledged and a $50.00 BB Card doesn't hurt either!!!
What a 'sweet' job selling See's candies! Congratulations to Calob for doing so well and for earning the gift card!
AWESOME!!! I cannot wait to see what he buys me with his card! If he needs ideas, Mike just bought me Sirius satellite radio for my car...and I could totally use the boombox thing for the house now. I'm just sayin'.
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