Friday, January 08, 2010

Faces of Calob

I love taking pictures of my kids. Typically they are very willing subjects. Heck, with a mom like me, they'd better be. hehe Although Calob is a teenager, he is usually willing to let me take his picture. That makes me happy ... oh so happy. ☺
Where you can find Calob on a typical day.
Farmville on Facebook.
I was taking pictures of Calob on Tuesday night for his birthday post. I decided to try to get pictures of him jumping. Oh the fun we had. I had to use the flash & because of that, there was a delay. That delay added fun/frustration to the picture-taking process. Here are some "outtakes" of Calob jumping. LOVE the looks on his face!!!
Here's what we were (basically) going for ...
Calob jumping for joy!!!


jkluginbill said...

Oh I just love the thrill of taking jumping pictures...usually of YOU! :)

Glad Calob is still a willing subject. Archer use to be...I'd say "hey, let's go take some pics" and he'd jump - now? NOT SO MUCH!

YAY! Calob!

Sharon said...

Calob plays Farmville? Really?

Like the outtakes! You got a cute one of him in the end!

Judy said...

I like the pictures...the delay from the flash gave them such an interesting effect! Go Calob!!