Just some pictures of the cats ... random shots ... enjoy!!!
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It's funny how mad he gets when
HE'S the one in the way!
I walked into the bedroom & found Samson in a compromising position ... he's "laying" with Blue from Blue's Clue's! We're thinking he might have a crush on Blue. ☺ Let me tell you, this cracked Callie up SO much (that's her pillow)!!! If you notice, their mouths line up perfectly ... so cute!!!
At first, I couldn't figure out the first picture with Nalu, but now I get it. Samson clearly thinks that the spot under the computer desk is HIS, so good luck finding a place to rest your feet! And Samson romancing Blue's Clue's is too cute. :)
I think that you forgot to attach the 2nd picture to the 1st picture!!
What do you mean that Samson is the one in the way? He is the cat - you are his slave...Uh...I think you are in the way! :)
I do like the body/head shots of Nalu and I am sure that Blue loves Samson too.
Why do you have to put your feet where the cat is? You're just lucky he lets you put them where he is.
One day, we will see the "True Hollywood Story" all about Blue and her sordid affair with your cat. Good luck with the paparazzi when it comes out. I'd just like to suggest that you not take any tips on dressing for the paparazzi from Britney. Please wear your underdrawers. I advise because I care.
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